Saturday, June 23, 2018

Requiem for America Part III: I Reject Your Argument

Many people in America are having a conversation about immigration right now. Many people who may or may not have been interested in politics up until this point are talking about immigration policy in America. We should all be having this conversation right now. I have spent the past week trying to logic, yelling, cursing, begging, calling, writing, crying, and then doing it all over again. It is exhausting trying to make people see what is right in front of them. I have watched hardened newsmen and women voices crack with emotion as they try to keep their emotions from coming out as they report the news. I feel their pain. And I have heard the arguments against those who are screaming that the sky is falling. I reject those arguments. Here is a breakdown of the arguments I have seen and my basis for rejecting them.

 1.     You didn’t seem to care about this before. Obama was doing the same thing

 I will start with the fact that I did care about this before. Under the last administration, this was not actually the policy of the government. There has been a Zero-tolerance policy regarding immigration put in by Jeff Sessions that is denying asylum to people who should have asylum. Did America detain immigrants under the Obama administration? Yes. However, the UN has stated the separating children from their parents is a human rights violation. The United Nations is calling this torture. The rest of the world is looking at what we are doing now under this policy change and saying it violates international treaties and laws because it does. 

This does not forgive Obama for not fixing a broken system, it simply states that the system went from broken to abusive. If we were detaining children under Obama, that was equally wrong as what is happening now. However, we can’t go back and change what has already happened we can only prevent things from happening in the future. Just because it wasn’t changed before does not mean that it shouldn’t change now. That is akin to saying it isn’t a drunk driver’s fault for killing someone because no one stopped the last person who drove the car from drinking. The result is the same regardless. 

2.     What about the American kids here. Why don’t you care about them?/ These aren’t American kids, why should we care what happens to them

 Okay, again, I do and have always cared about the kids in our country. I was accused of virtue signaling when I responded like that to someone. Because apparently, I don’t care about kids and if I state with facts and examples of what I have actually done to help kids, I am clearly just faking it.

 Let me tell you about the kids here in America. First, many kids in America are first generation Americans. They are in your neighborhood and in your schools. Your kids know them and are friends with them. They are kids, just like yours and just like mine. They have dreams and they have hopes and they are afraid. They play video games and watch youtube and talk back to their mom. These are actual human beings. They are not animals. They are not murders and gang members. They are not evil. They are children. 

Please note, that this goes for the black kids in America too. They are also humans and not animals and gang members. They do not deserve to be shot in the back by police. They do not deserve to be beaten by the police. That isn’t how justice is supposed to work in America and we are killing our children. The screaming babies recorded at the border, the videos of children being shot in the streets of America, the overwhelming crisis of school shooting are not fake news. This is real, and this is how we are treating children in the United States of America and no one does anything because these kids are too young to have a voice of their own. 

As an adult, it is my job and your job to protect the next generation of Americans. And let me make this clear, some of those screaming kids at the border are going to come to America and become legal citizens. They are going to vote someday. They are going to parent American children and they are not going to let this happen again. I have faith in them. In 20 or 30 years I hope these kids become members of Congress and members of the media and they call America to task for what it did and defended back in the summer of 2018. I expect them to be the ones who skillfully write the laws to protect the kids we did not. Because after all, that’s what American immigrants do and have done for the past 400 years in America. 

3.     Why don’t they go back to where they came from? Why are they coming here if it is so bad?

 I saw a quote the other day “You only put your child in the water if you know the land isn’t safe.” Drugs, gang violence, war. These are the things these people are escaping. They aren’t coming to America to make it gang violent drugland, they are literally trying to escape that. They are literally putting their children in harm's way and taking a journey where, according to reports, parents are putting their daughters on birth control because they know they are going to be raped on their journey just so the child can live to see another day. Just so that daughter can grow up. As a parent, I don’t know if I could do that. However, I know that the desperation on the part of these parents must be so great that we should let those kids in and protect them. I don’t know what they have seen, but I can see what they have done and know it must have been horrifying. 

I suppose from that logic, locking them in cages and feeding them isn’t the worst thing they have been through by a long shot. However, I just want you to put yourself in that position. Think about escaping hell and finally making it to the place that you believe to be the greatest country on earth, that you have heard will protect you and keep you safe. This dreamland where your children can be safe, and you finally make it there, making it through the journey and they take your kids away and lock them in a cage and then ship them 3000 miles away. You would not be okay with that. 

Furthermore, there is the story of the HS St. Louis a ship carrying Jewish refugees from Germany in 1939. We turned them away and almost half of the Jews we turned away on that ship were killed in the Holocaust. America let them die because we had laws about refugees and immigrants. It was illegal for them to be here. America let them die because the people of America said it wasn’t their problem and they needed to go back where they came from. America killed Jews in the Holocaust not by gassing them themselves, but by not allowing them to flee a place that was dangerous because we needed to protect our borders and the Jews would just take resources and jobs from Americans. They weren’t humans in the eyes of America. America killed them, under a democratic progressive president at that. America did that. 

4.     If they weren’t doing something illegal they wouldn’t be detained

 See points 1-3 above. I reject your argument.

 I expect everyone else to reject it as well. When humanity is no longer humanity and the world is nothing but us versus them then we have failed at being a civilized society. America is already lost at that point. 

Requiem For America in Four Parts: Part IV My America is Already Dead

I am currently mourning for my nation. I grew up during the Cold War. I was taught in school that America was the greatest country on Earth. I was taught that America defends those without a voice. I was taught America protects those who cannot protect themselves. I was taught that my country was a melting pot of many different nations who came together and created democracy and spread that through out the world.

I grew up in an America that doesn’t exist.

I have in my lifetime seen our nation improve. I have seen equality for gay people, I have seen America weather a storm after 9/11, I have seen walls crumble, I have seen black men and women able to take leadership roles in our government. We have improved. We have always seemed to improve as a nation, until now. Now we seem to be back peddling, we are building walls and taking the right to shop at a store away from gay people and slaughtering black children in the streets and locking babies in cages. I have always told my students that America makes mistakes and we do evil things, but by the end of it we fix it and we fix it permanently. We correct our course. We are not defined by old laws because we have the ability to amend laws or question their interpretations. I have studied American history and I know that we fix it when we see it. It’s the blindness leading up to it that has always been the issue, not the fix.

The last week in America saw outrage over children locked in cages, defense of locking said children in cages, lie upon lie upon blame upon lie by the White House, the First Lady of the Free World walk into a child prison wearing a coat that said “I really don’t care,” oh and yet another unarmed African American child shot in the back by the police. I have been just sitting here watching everything and thinking “What happened to my country? My country is gone.”

I honestly have no idea why people I know are silent right now. I am disgusted by the people who defend this. This week in America has been emotional and disheartening. I actually begged my husband to take a job in another country because I just want to leave. I am ashamed of my nation. I have reached a point that a country that I love that I spent decades studying and teaching the history of has turned into whatever this is. I want out. I want to go to Canada or Australia or the UK and just get the hell out of here, because when it goes down, and it will I am almost certain of that after this week, I fear for the safety of my children. I truly believe that about my nation right now. This is the dystopian future.

My husband said that his family has been here 400 years and he isn’t giving up. I respect that. My counter was that this isn’t the America we are supposed to be. This is just a mass of land. There is no flag for what we stand for anymore as the Star-Spangled Banner is now a symbol of hate. True American democracy is not confined to a geographical location. We can leave and we can live in another place and be more American than those who drape everything they own in the American flag so they can be hateful and evil, those who hug our flag like they are choking the life out of America.

“This isn’t who we are.” I have seen that so many times this week. Hell, I have actually said it this week out of sheer frustration. No, this is exactly who we are. We are the nation that killed Emmitt Till for whistling at a white woman. We are the nation whose Supreme Court decided that Dred Scott wasn’t even a human thus couldn’t sue for his freedom from slavery. We are the nation that turned away Chinese immigrants by creating laws exclusively to keep them from entering our country even though we had open borders at the time. We are the nation who had to send out the national guard so a little girl could go to school in Little Rock. We are the nation that incarcerates black men and still uses them as slaves. We are the nation that denies healthcare to its people. We are the nation that locks up children after ripping them from their parents. We are the nation whose congress refused to listen to the cries of children yesterday when they were played by an elected officer and admonished that man for playing it on the floor on congress. This is America. This has always been America.

You will have to forgive some of us, because we haven’t wanted to believe that. We are truly trying to wrap our head around all of this. I know there is some black woman or Muslim or Latino who is reading this shaking their head going “We told you!” If it has not been established already, white people have always been a little slow on the uptake to things that don’t apply to them. We don’t understand it, until we have to drive a friend somewhere because they are black or Hispanic and they are afraid to drive themselves. We don’t believe it until we see it with our own eyes, and for that I apologize. I know that means nothing, but it needed to be apologized for by someone.

Mr. Trump, you can have our flag. Hug it, force people to salute it, wrap everything in it, I don’t care. It is just a piece of fabric, nothing more.

Mr. Trump, you can build your walls. Define your borders with concrete and steel. It is nothing that cannot be climbed or smashed when the time comes, and I assure you the time will come, ask your buddies in Russia.

Mr. Trump, you can accuse us and them. You can make up facts and figures. You can lead your followers, your lemmings, and teach them to hate. Your hate will be overcome by love and those who are willing to break your laws to do what is right and humane.

But, Mr. Trump, if you come for our children, we will fight back. You can’t have them. You can’t torture them. You cannot have our kids and the world will back us on that one. We will crush you and your hate eventually because evil always dies eventually. You will not take the children of this world and torture them. We won’t let you.

Engage in generalized civil disobedience. 

You, yes you the person reading this, YOU need to do what you can right now. American morality may not be real, but the American People are. Our beliefs, our morals, our understanding, our love for our fellow man, that is real. Those tears that are streaming down your face are real. Your emotional response to this is real. The flag and the borders aren’t real, they do not matter. What matters is doing what you know in your heart is the right thing right now because if you don’t, no one else will.

Requiem For America in Four Parts Part II: Detainment and Harassment

I spent last night talking to my husband. He was actually in tears over a co-worker of his. She is an American, born in California, just like my husband was. The difference between the two is that my husband’s family on his father’s side came over on the Mayflower and her family had the border cross them. She can’t drive without being pulled over. Her mother is a Dreamer and she lives in fear of her mom being deported. This is a college educated American from California who is afraid of having her mom deported. This is a college educated American with an American birth certificate who cannot drive 100 miles without being pulled over four times and asked for her documentation proving she is American. This is an American citizen, with full rights given to her upon birth who lives in fear of being caught without her paperwork and being detained indefinitely and deported to a foreign country.

The argument by the President and others has been “Well, don’t do anything illegal and you won’t get detained.” That is actually somewhat logical from the surface. People believe that because they know they don’t get arrested because they didn’t do anything illegal. However, what they are neglecting to realize is that it is not just people who are entering the country without paperwork, there are people who were born here who are being detained and harassed every single day in this country.

From my perspective, it doesn’t seem like a mistake. Just like it doesn’t seem like a mistake when a black teenager gets shot in the back. These are not mistakes or exceptions to the rule of law, this is the fear that people of color live in every single day.

American citizens are afraid of their country because of the color of their skin.

This is not a new phenomenon. Talk to any black person who grew up in the 1950s and the stories are shockingly similar. Harassment and detainment for the color of their skin was common place. People hid, they kept their voices low because they knew they could be killed or arrested for speaking out against the torture that was being brought to black people. Hell, ask any black man you know about the last time he got pulled over and you will see that it is still case, but at least some people care now when it happens.

The fallacy of all of this is that if you don’t do anything illegal and you are white, you will not be detained. However, if you don’t do anything illegal and you are a person of color, you will be detained. This is what is not being understood by the other side. Those who are moderate and not pure racist evil believe this way and do not believe that they are racist in their thinking, thus they refuse to change their thinking. Those who are just unapologetically racist think that this standard is good and is making America great again. However, those of you who are sane and rational and can put aside your prejudice against people who don’t look like you are screaming your damn heads off and no one is listening.

My husband cried last night because he grew up in Las Vegas. He has lived in a city that is run on the labor of Latinos for 40 years. Dreamers were his classmates in high school and they are being deported. Half of our community is leaving in droves because they fear our government. This is our community, this is his community and he is seeing his friends leave and be deported or detained. My husband cried last night because he is an Army veteran who swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States and he can’t do his job because the enforcement of rounding up people of color is preventing him from helping those who need help and making a mockery the Constitution he swore to uphold.

Requiem For America in Four Parts Part I: This is my job

I am a teller of stories. I believe that stories, real stories can engage and change minds. This is why I studied history so I could tell the stories. I can tell the stories of the voiceless. I have been trained to see these stories, to attempt to remove bias from stories and to see the whole picture of the story. That is my job as a historian. I, as a teacher, tried to introduce concept through personal stories and personal comparisons so my students could see the big picture. My students called it “Storytime with Mrs. Light.”

Here is your Storytime with Mrs. Light for the day

A few years back, I was sitting at a stop light on my way home from work when a 12-year-old boy ran out in front of a car and got hit. I watched it happen. I did what I thought was right and I jumped out of my car and started providing first aid to this unconscious child laying in the middle of the street, while by the way, I was wearing an R2-D2 costume because it was spirit week at my school. No one helped me. Literally, dozens of people stood there watching wringing their hands doing absolutely nothing. I sat in the middle of the remarkably hot Las Vegas asphalt holding this kid, trying to keep him calm when he did regain consciousness, trying to comfort him while everyone just stood there and watched. The EMTs came and had me keep holding his c-spine and keeping him calm until he was strapped to the backboard and loaded in the ambulance. Everyone stood there and watched.

I got home from work that night and my husband and kids called me a hero when I told them what had happened. My students and other teachers who drove by as this happened said the same to me in the following days. I was never a hero, I was a human being doing the only thing that was right at that moment. It had never occurred to me that others would just stand there and not do the right thing. It never dawned on me in my four decades of life that people could or would just stand around and see a child who is hurt and scared and do absolutely nothing but stand there with their mouths agape wringing their hands too afraid to take action.

Now there are 2,300 children who are laying on the concrete hurt and scared and we are all standing with our mouths agape wringing our hands.

It is my job as a historian to tell their stories.

It is my job as a historian to sound the alarm when I see something going down I know will not end well.

It is my job as a historian to take the individual stories and put them in the perspective of the whole story.

It is my job as a historian to remind people of how it was in the past and what the parallels are.

It is my job as a historian to say that current events will not be remembered kindly by history.

It is my job as a historian to make these stories mean something to the people who are reading them.

It is my job.

I am saying this to anyone who will listen, the Nazi comparisons are not hyperbole. They are fact. This is how it happened. The nationalism and the vilification of certain groups and classes of people. The wholesale murder of young black men being shot in the back by police is indicative of this. The removal and detainment of Latino people is indicative of this. The propaganda against these groups of humans is indicative of this. There is every indication that we are going full steam into a nationalist regime that is perfectly fine with and in fact encourages the death and detainment of black and Latino people in America.

We already have work camps, they are called prisons and we put all the black people we can in them.

We already have concentration camps where we are concentrating the Latino population into certain federal camps.

We have not yet industrialized mass deaths but stand assured if we do not do something it is coming.  

And I will say this to those who question my alarms and say things like “why didn’t you say this when it was happening under Obama?” One, we didn’t know. I didn’t know. Two, you are right, and I will never make that mistake again.

It is my job.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Concentration Camps

Today, most of America is looking at pictures of and reading descriptions of the holding facilities for children at Casa Padre in Texas. In case you missed it, a group of reporters was actually allowed inside the facility yesterday for a tour. This is of course after the photos of the facilities in Arizona taken in 2014 began circulating again and a US Senator was barred from entering another facility a few weeks back. I have some trust issues with some of what was seen and I am certain it was very sanitized before they allowed the press into the facility.

The first thing I am going to start with is the murals of Trump everywhere. It is disturbing and something I have only seen in propaganda. Why create a facility like this where children are parentless and awaiting someone to determine their actual fate and preach America to them? They also have civics classes they take. Do you think that these kids who are going through hell right now really want the country that betrayed them and their families shoved down their throat? It is seriously like a what the hell are you thinking thing.

The word that described this place included overcrowded. 5 kids to a room, limited outdoor time, all day spent in a remodeled Walmart learning about America, the country that is currently trying to kick you out and detaining you. This is a child's life every day. This is 1500 children's lives every single day in that one facility.

America has never really done well by its children. Child labor laws put more kids in school where they are now being shot. We are not good to our children. Orphans from the east coast used to be sent out to the midwest to be adopted by farmers who used them for slave labor. Native American children used to be taken to schools where they could be Americanized by force and mostly through violence. Boys schools have always had stories about beating and killing throughout the 20th century. We are never good to the children. We don't respect their basic needs of love and family bonding.

Let me first call these places what they are; concentration camps. That is not to say we are necessarily murdering people in a mass genocide, but that the term concentration camp simply means that they are concentrating, or condensing, the population of undocumented children into one place. That is a concentration camp. The stories about children being ripped away from their parents while breastfeeding are also in the same range as a concentration camp in Germany in that, that was exactly what the Nazis did as well. These are concentration camps. Do not attempt to convince yourself otherwise, we are putting children in concentration camps in the United States. Say it with me, we are putting children in concentration camps in America. This isn't the first time we have done this, just ask the Asian people who were put in internment camps during the Second World War.

The defense of this on the side of the right has been three things 1) This was happening when Obama was President. Why didn't you say something then? and 2) Well, they deserve it, they are illegal they came here illegally so they should be in jail. and, my favorite 3), Jeff Sessions said today "Persons who violate the law of our nation are subject to prosecution. I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13 to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained them for the purpose of order."  So, God is telling them to put children in concentration camps in America. 

I just said that about America. God damn it, what has happened to my country. 

Okay, so what to we do about this? First, you need to send a letter, email or call both the senators from your state and your congressman from your congressional district and demand legislation that will end the separation of families and the detainment of children. Find your representatives here. Second, you need to spread the word to others. Talk, scream if you have to. This isn't okay, this should never be okay, this will never be okay. We have a voice as the people in a government that is by the people and for the people. DO SOMETHING!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

At What Cost

Now that the president has returned from Singapore, we really need to look at what is actually happening in the country and the world. Things are definitely changing and there is some credit to be given to the president for these changes. The economy is up, Black unemployment is down, we have peace with North Korea, but at what cost. There is no such thing as a free lunch, as my dad always says. So, what are we paying for these things?

North Korea is an interesting place to start. I happen to be married to a physicist who is currently finishing up his Ph.D. in physics. Physicists are fun humans who are way too smart for their own good. There are few of them in respect to the general population, and they watch stuff seismic activity and atmospheric data. Word around the campfire is that No. Korea Chernobyled their shit. Data indicates they had a meltdown and their test site is unusable and uninhabitable. Thus, there is a good chance there is no longer a nuclear program to shut down. Was Kim Jong Un just trying to save face after a colossal fuck up? Probably. Trump was just the moron to lock onto, so I truly believe North Korea won this round.

Economics and unemployment are interesting as well. The US added about 2 million jobs in 2017, mostly in retail, manufacturing, and construction according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Those are great numbers until you look at the ICE numbers, who have been targeting retail, manufacturing, and construction companies for employing undocumented workers, and see that 10% of that number can be accounted for by the loss of undocumented workers. This could be a good thing from one perspective, but from another, look at how we do our immigration enforcement. Is it better for America to kill people and rip their children from them or is it better that we help refugees who want to come here for a better life? The GOP thinks by dollar value and the Dems think by human life.

On the topic of economics, we must also look at the Bureau of Labor Statistics to see that average hourly wages only rose but $0.08. for a worker who works the Bureau of Labor Statistics average for 2017 of 34.5 hours a week, that comes out to a gross increase of $143.52 per year in earnings if you work 52 weeks per year. So, you, if you look at it from you personally gained $140 dollars last year in this booming economy. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like one trip to the grocery store or three tanks of gas or one month of karate or dance lessons. In other words, that booming economy is not helping you, but you are helping business. Because if you spend that at a retail establishment, the numbers go up further. But you yourself are not really getting much more. This is part of the fallacy of the booming economy. This is why people complain and say when the economy is booming, they aren’t feeling it because they aren’t feeling it. It’s $140 per year, $11.96 per month, $2.76 per week. If you looked at your weekly paycheck and saw it went up $2, would you even care?

So, you got $2 a week and the mother from Mexico who came here for a better life got deported and had her children taken away and locked in cages. So, you tell me, is it worth it? There is always a give and take. Is your booming economy and your measly $2 worth what we as a country just did to some poor mother, some poor child, some human being with thoughts and feeling and hopes and dreams? That is up to you to decide. 

Send me to law school click here (note, I am really hoping some wealthy dude reads this and goes, "wow, she is smart, I should totally send her to law school, here is all the money you need!" One day it will happen, one day...)

Sunday, June 10, 2018

A concert and a moron

I always find it interesting to see humans in their natural element. It is like going to a zoo for humans. That's what I love about living in Las Vegas is the variation of visitors we get here. They are all drunk and stupid and it is a lot of fun to watch them be drunk and stupid, like a live-action Jersey Shore with consequences.

I took my husband and 10 and 16-year-old sons to a free concert of Fremont Street in Vegas last night. We are frequent concert goers and the 10-year-old's first concert was seeing Public Enemy when he was 2 (he also once fell asleep at a Black Sabbath concert, something he will never live down). So, this was actually a pretty normal Saturday night for us. This is what we do for family fun. I have been shoved around and whatnot at concerts, it happens. But I have always been cool because you are amongst your people at a concert. These are your brethren if you are a frequent concert goer and you hold random girls hair while they vomit and make random friends. This is the fun, being one with the audience and everyone is vibing and everything is fun.

The concert was Lit and Filter. Lit just sucks, I mean what else can I say. Filter rocked it though and the lead Singer got a little political. He was going into American Cliche' I think the first time he started talking about the one and only, the American Dictator (per Fox News) President Donald J. Trump. At this point, dude behind me yells in all his drunken glory "TRUMP RULES!" I look behind me and see the idiot in the "Don't be a Snowflake" t-shirt, roll my eyes in disgust and turn back around.

Next song, I don't remember but the lead singer is talking about universal health care and I am cheering loudly when I feel a presence next to me, and it is the moron again. I just want to enjoy my concert with my husband and kids, we aren't bothering anyone and we never said anything, but this guy is now coming up on me. Now, I have found that "come up on me" is not a term used on the west coast, so to explain, it is when someone comes near you, isn't technically starting shit yet, but they are trying by physically intimidating you, that is what I mean by come up on me.

So now, this dude who is probably six inches taller than my husband and I both, has now found his way to being right next to me, so next political comment, he says Trump rules again and looks right at me. I just shake my head and try to get my husband's attention because he was entranced by the show and I explain what is happening. He looks at me, smiles, and says "I got this" and switches places with me and when the guy tried to come up on him, he just held his ground despite a shove and the guy ended up putting his wife next to my husband, I am assuming because the guy is a pussy.

Then the crowd clears because Filter played their chick tune and all the drunk girls left so we start moving towards the center. Trump dude follows, then pushes ahead of us and shuts the hell up the rest of the concert.

Now, we are getting towards the end of the concert that is so obviously going to end with Hey Man Nice Shot. My husband and I are both on edge because we really think the lead singer is going to rip into Trump and then break into Hey Man Nice Shot which, given that we live in a world where a comedian with a mask and ketchup can be blacklisted and put under federal investigation for threats to the president, could have been bad. He did not, but we wish he did. But, under Title 18 Part I Chap 41 SS 871 Sec , it is only illegal to threaten the president in writing or print that is sent by mail, not in a political speech during a concert, so legally he could have said whatever he wanted and I hope he does next time.

So why am I saying all this, well a couple of reasons: 1) wow we are divided as a nation! like how did we get to the point where all the party people can't party together based on politics? Why is it necessary for Trump people to try to intimate random women in crowds until their husband steps in? What kind of weird misogynistic shit is this? 2) Mr. Patrick, the lead singer of Filter actually said a lot of important things last night about how we aren't fighting and the time has come to rise up. He also called Christina Aguilera a pump, which I found hysterical. But he was saying that his music is angry and we should be angry. This is the music we need right now. Gen-X raised you millennials and we had some bad assed music, so I know you are blaming the old dudes for shit, but it isn't us. We have been resisting since before it was a hashtag. The Babyboomers are the ones you should hate, hate them, not us.

Something I have always argued, to the point it was my focus and thesis for college is the role of music in popular culture and politics. Music plays a very important role in how we feel and how we believe. We go towards the music that makes us feel and agrees with us. I hope all music artists (I'm talking to you, Kanye) speak out against the president. Write our song of protest. Give us a video like Childish Gambino's This is America because we are about to go to war with Canada, who by the way still never burned down the White House.

And those of you who are listening to the angry music and haven't bothered to stand up yet, grow up and stand up. Rage ain't reuniting so you have to rage against your own machine before it comes up on you.

Feel free to send me to law school by clicking here

Requiem for America Part III: I Reject Your Argument

Many people in America are having a conversation about immigration right now. Many people who may or may not have been interested in politi...